The Ayurvedic art of pharmacology

Food and herbs are both medicines. Foods have a milder action.

“If diet is no good, medicine is of no use. If diet is good, medicine is of no need”

Ayurvedic Proverb

DRAVYA means substance, GUNA means qualities

The qualities of substance are Rasa, Virya & Vipaka

Rasa: Meaning sap, juice, fluid, essence and or flavor or TASTE- there are six taste: sweet, sour, salty, astringent, bitter, pungent

Virya: meaning strength, potency, energy in this context we refer to warming or cooling

Vipaka: The long term effect of a substance after is has been fully digested. There are three types of Vipaka

Madhu: sweet is considered to be tonifying & nourishing Amla: sour stabilizes and builds agni Katu: pungent is purifying

The Fundamental Principle of Ayurvedic Nutrition

If you know the nature of the person and the imbalance, then food can be matched to the individual needs of the patient! There is no such thing as a perfect diet for everyone. We all have a unique constitution, we all have biochemical individuality. Everyone could react quite differently to the same food.

As your practitioner into Ayurvedic Medicine I will guide YOU, to better understanding your imbalance and the qualities needed to restore your true nature.

Dr. Juraszek

The SIX taste


Sweet Taste

  • Elements: earth & water

  • Qualities: heavy, moist, stable, gross, soft, smooth

  • Virya is cool

  • Vipaka: sweet/ tonifying

  • Doshic effect VP- K+

  • Key benefits: nourishing, increases Ojas (immunity) and increases dhatus. Dhatus are a layer or stratum associated with the tissues of the body. They actively support the structure of the body and its functioning aids in both physical and psychological health. Each dhatu is developed or transformed out of the previous tissue layer.

Sour Taste

  • Elements: fire, earth, touch of water

  • Qualities: heavy, moist, stable & sharp

  • Virya is warm

  • Vipaka is sour which improves agni

  • Doshic effect V- PK+

  • Key benefits strengthens digestion

  • Supports Ojas through healthy digestion and the heavy, stable qualities of earth. Increases tejas

Salty Taste

  • Elements: water & fire

  • Qualities: moist, sharp

  • Virya is warm

  • Vipaka is sweet and slightly tonifying

  • Doshic effect V- PK+

  • Key benefits increases appetite


Pungent Taste

  • Elements: fire & air

  • Qualities: light, hot, dry, mobile, hard & rough

  • Virya is hot (hottest)

  • Vipaka is pungent & purifying

  • Doshic effect: K- VP+

  • Key benefits: Quickly improves digestion

Bitter Taste

  • Elements: earth & air

  • Qualities: cool, dry, hard, stable, rough

  • Virya is cool (coolest)

  • Vipaka is pungent purifying

  • Doshic effect: PK- V+

  • Key benefit: purifies tissues & blood

Astringent Taste

  • Elements: earth & air

  • Qualities: cool dry, hard, stable, rough

  • Virya is cool

  • Vipaka is pungent

  • Doshic effect: PK- V+

  • Key benefits: keeps tissues tone & tight

Sharing Ayurveda Sarasota, FL.

Dr. Sharon Juraszek AyD