

Prana is the vital life force in all of us. It is the subtle -vata or air element, and is responsible for life. In the Physical Body (annamayakosa) the actions are all the functions of Vata/Vayu. Prana is the life-force energy and exist within every cell… In the Subtle Body prana is responsible for the movement & coordination of thought. When prana is healthy thoughts move at a moderate pace. When prana is healthy it allows conscious-ness to unfold.. Within the subtle body the movement and coordination of thought force is moving through the nadis & chakra. In the Causal body prana is the force that motivates life. When prana is functioning normally, a person feels a healthy desire for life.

The Physical Body

The Physical Body is the gross body. It consist of the five sense organs, the five organ of action and is built by the five elements… The physical body requires food to survive. Vata, Pitta & Kapha are the three biological forces which govern the forces of the physical body. The three dosha are physical forces which are built from the five elements… The body, being solid and heavy and lacking animation in and of itself, is commonly stated to be created by TAMAS. Tamas is ignorance, ignorance, is generated by anankara the ego, which is required for the production of the physical body..



Tejas can be defined as FIRE, light or illumination. Tejas has the qualities of fire element. In the Physical Body (annamayakosa) tejas manifests as the force of agni. Pitta is the container, agni is the fire and tejas is the light. In the Physical Body, the light of tejas brings illumination to the eyes and skins and brings intelligence and awareness to every cell. In the Subtle Body, tejas is responsible for the digestion of sensory impression, as well as the strength of intellect (Buddhi) When Tejas is healthy the capacity of the mind to understand complex ideas increase. There is a strong desire to know truth, the mind works to discern between what is true and what is false. Within the Causal Body tejas is the will to know eternal truth. When tejas functions well, a person has a healthy capacity to discriminate between eternal truth and illusion.

The Subtle Body

The Subtle Body is an energetic template of the physical body, mirroring its form in the subtle realm. It consists of the same components as the physical body. However these components are far less dense and are not considered solid. The subtle body is as real as anything else in the physical world, it simply vibrates at a much higher frequency and is beyond the perceptions of our ordinary physical senses. Within the subtle body is an energetic template of the nervous system, the subtle nervous system consist of the chakras & nadis…Each chakra has the potential to generate two qualities of energy, an ordinary subtle energy & heightened subtle energy. The mind (manas) exist in the subtle body…Prana Tejas and Ojas are the energies controlling the functioning of the subtle body. They are. the energetic templates of vata, pitta & kapha.



Ojas is the subtle essence that is responsible for life, radiant health, strong immunity, vigor, longevity and overall well-being. In the Physical Body (annamayakosa) Ojas is the force or energy behind the immune system..Ojas is also the force that allows the tissues (dhatus) of the body to resist harm. It is the purest form of kapha. In the Subtle Body Ojas manifests both the force of stability and contentment. In the mind, Ojas provides psychological stability resisting the forces of stress. When Ojas is healthy the mind is strong it will not fatigue easily. In the Casual Body, Ojas is the force of contentment or bliss. In the causal body Ojas resides in the Sahara padma chakra.

The Causal Body

The Causal or Karmic body is the sublet vibration within the creation of the human being. It is also the most expansive part of our nature. It is seed energy, which sprouts the subtle and physical body as it germinates. In this sense it is not a body but rather a primal energy… It is through the causal body that we know god. It is through this body that we experience our deepest connection to that which is greater than our selves…What is called soul, spirit, or atman is simply consciousness itself residing within the body..