Dr. Sharon Juraszek

Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine

Sharing Ayurveda


Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine

Clinical Ayurvedic Specilaist

Ayurvedic Health Counselor

Vedic Advanced Herbal Formulations

Panachakarma trained: Shanti Kolmala Basti, Pinda Svedana

Marma therapy

Master Herbalist

Sound Healing Certified

Live & dry blood analysis

Rieki Master- Pranic Healer

Shaman Apprentice

Theata Healing Institute of Knowleldge

Currently studying Vedic Astrology 22 with Freedom Cole at Science of Life

Student of yoga for 30 years. 

Yoga TT White Lotus, Santa Barbara 200

Yoga TT  Sivananda Ashram, India 500

Institute of Integrated Nutrition

Trained in PTSD, Sexual Trauma, Child Abuse @ Institute Rapid Resolution

Fermentation Certification

Creator of Fermentlicious

Seeker of Knowledge

Ayurveda is brining your body back into balance with nature, I am here to help guide you in your healing journey.

Hello and WELCOME! Life is a culmination of many experience, I will share some of my experiences which have lead me to this point….

My journey began at birth, in 1969, the year I was conceived. I was born with mutations in the MTHFR gene (which went undiagnosed until I was 45 years of age.) Some of the immediate & obvious challenges that I faced were club foot which bound me to plaster cast the first year of life. After a couple of years doctors discovered that I had tongue tie, this would challenge my speech and communication development, after having oral surgery to correct the problem, I worked with a speech therapist for several years. These were the visible side effects of MTHFR, the other signs are more subtle & harder to detect.

In the late 80’s I was involved in 10 car accidents; these accidents left me with brain trauma and spinal injuries. The spinal injury caused severe nerve damage, creating much trauma and suffering every day. After few years of physical therapy and relentless pain I went to a specialist who’s recommendations were spinal surgery & Rx, he wrote me a prescription for pain meds and antidepressants (true I was in pain & depressed) then the doctor suggested to “move forward with surgery.” I clearly remember sitting in the doctors office, crying, thinking “this is my only solution!” As I allowed space and time, I listened to my internal guide, I never filled the prescriptions or schedule the surgery, instead I discovered YOGA!!! Sweet yoga, it opened the doors too much more than pain relief, it opened my heart to the trauma and suffering as well. I now see those accidents as a signs & gifts, to show me a different way, a different path…

In 1999 I had an up-close view of cancer, this was the year that my father was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and the year he died from chemotherapy. This was the first time I considered that food and nutrition were linked to our health. This was a time of deep inner exploration, of self love and self care. On this journey to self exploration, I was searching for insight, knowledge and wisdom to understand the connection of mind, body & spirit... I was with my father during his final breaths, those moments were deeply profound and so precious, I felt the divine flow through me, I knew at this moment that we are never truly alone, as each spirit IS infinite……………………

2007 my mother was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, in 2019 she lost her battle to this horrible cancer. I am a firm believer my mother developed this type of cancer because of her exposure to harmful pesticides/chemicals. In 1968 my parents purchased their first home with a large yard, lots of grass, my mother believed that a pristine lawn, was the best lawn. During the spring & summertime she would treat the lawn on a weekly basis and in the fall as the lawn needed it, she did this for at least 13+ years. Needless to say I was exposed to this as well, I was the kid running around with no shoes on, always outside, I am confident that this had an impact on my immune system and my autoimmune health demise.

2012 was another year that sparked a light within, I was diagnosed with a failing thyroid. My MD suggested a well known Rx for the rest of my life! I went home to contemplate this idea, I knew that there had to be a different way… I started with silence, this silence, this space within, it guided me, I discovered my next step, it was the journey into understanding gut health. I decided to examine and make changes to diet, lifestyle and environmental toxins. After four weeks my symptoms started to improve. It was during this time, I discovered the benefits of fermented foods and a deeper understanding of how foods played a key role in how I felt moment to moment. This personal experience stoked the fire within, I wanted more knowledge, I researched on the daily. When researching “digestion” Ayurveda would show up in my searches, I knew that this was the missing piece. The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda was exactly what I was seeking! Through this body of knowledge I obtained the power of proper nutrition for each individual based on current imbalance, benefits & actions of herbs (plant medicine,) and the definition of a healthy lifestyle based on ones constitution…

2016 was the year that I was diagnosed with MTHFR mutation. This was also the year that I started to share my fermented foods with others, the year that I started a local company called Fermentlicious.

I shared a few of my adversities so you know that I understand what it takes to walk the journey of wellness, which is required to feel whole again. Believe me by making small changes and creating routines we can begin to feel better again.

My hope is to help YOU “remember” that YOUR mind, body and spirit is capable of repairing, renewing and rebuilding provided the right environment…. My approach is to meet each individual where they are at!

"When we are in touch with the true self, the body is capable of healing."

I work with people locally or virtually. I am accepting new patients. Please email if you would like to make an appointment.

Sharon Juraszek received a doctorate in Ayurvedic Medicine from the California College of Ayurveda. With continued education & training in India, Kerala Academy, Dr. Ladd & Freedom Cole. Currently, Sharon practices Ayurveda with a focus on biodiversity and optimal gut health. In 2014, she founded Fermentlicious, a local organic sauerkraut house. Fermentlicious is a conscious company dedicated to composting all food waste and eliminating the use of plastic. At Fermentlicious, "Intention is our key ingredient."

Sharon is a knowledge seeker with a passion for researching the mind-gut connection. She has personal experience on her own healing journey, successfully reversing Hashimoto's after being diagnosed in 2012. Sharon strongly believes in the healing power of food.

In 2023, Dr. Juraszek established a nonprofit organization called Happy Bellies Mater INC. The mission of HBM is to create micro-kitchens in schools, offering fresh and nutrient-dense cooked meals while reducing food waste. The prototype school, The Mangrove Academy, is set to open in 2025 and will serve as an exemplary model. It will feature an organic garden and a micro-kitchen for lunches and cooking curriculum, with composting as the final step. Please donate @ www.happybelliesmatter.org

Sharing Ayurveda in Sarasota FL. Doctor of Ayurveda Medicine